If our organization has contacted you, it's because we believe we have found money that belongs to you or a relative. WE CAN HELP YOU GET IT BACK.

Some Americans are under the notion that if the government owes you money they will definitely contact you to let you know how to claim it.

Nothing can be further from the truth. The government agencies in question bring in huge amounts of money every year from UNCLAIMED funds that are rightfully the American people's funds.

As time goes on the government agencies get use to getting that money each and every year, thus they rely on it to have robust financial plans each and every year. It must STOP immediately, and we are here to aid in this process.

Our expertise is claiming your unclaimed funds in an expeditious fashion with NO out-of-pocket costs to you.

Limited Time To Act

Now, be careful, because these funds are held for only a brief period of time, after which the agency responsible for them may be permitted to seize them through a process called "escheatment."

We Are On A Mission

We think private citizens losing their funds to faceless government agencies (a system rooted in feudal 16th century England) is completely unfair and we are determined to prevent this from happening to anyone, especially you.


95% of Americans who have unclaimed funds in the government's hands, go to their graves never knowing they were owed a penny. We seek to make you part of the 5% who are aware and win.

The Day Comes!

It happens everyday. People get unclaimed funds from the government, never knowing they were actually owed to them. It can be life changing for some. Anywhere from thousands to hundreds of thousands. You could very well be next.

Our Organization

Agency Audits is a small group of abandoned money professionals. If you've received a call or a letter from us, it's because we've found funds being held by the government that may be rightfully yours.


We know the "ins and outs" of government agencies in all states. If a government agency is holding your funds, we know how to get them! Since after a certain period of time elapses, the government may get to keep your funds, it's always best to have professionals on your side.

Our Mission

If a claim for your funds isn't made in time, the funds often "escheat" to the agency holding them, meaning you can no longer claim them. It's your money, and the government shouldn't be able to take it from you. Our mission is to ensure that this never, ever happens. We audit government files and documents for these unclaimed funds, and when we find them, we make it our personal mission to reunite them with their rightful owner.

Our Vision

We'd love to see you reclaim the funds we've found for you! What would you do with a nice, unexpected payday? In this economy, everyone's got a use for extra money. Let's make sure the government doesn't end up with it!

The Audit

Agency Audits researches / audits governmental agencies across the country to locate sums of money owed to private individuals and companies. If these funds go unclaimed for too long, they are usually lost to the government agency holding them.

Call Us

If you've received a phone call or a letter from us, we have located funds that we believe belong to you. Please contact us by phone as soon as possible so we can start your claim at 1-800-959-2787.


Once you have spoken to one of our agents and verbally agreed to let us work your claim, we will set up a time for you to sign several pages of paperwork to allow us to get started.

Our firm works on a contingent basis - there are no out-of-pocket expenses to you. We're paid ONLY upon successful collection of your claim. We cover ALL expenses related to the claim until it is paid, and if the claim is unsuccessful you owe us nothing.

After receiving our paperwork package, we will send a local notary to collect it from you and overnight it back to our office. Claims are usually processed in 3-4 months depending on the complexity of the case, and your share of the claim, typically 60-70% of the funds collected, are remitted to you within 30 days of receipt.


Q and A:

How Did You Find This Money?

We audit different government agencies on a regular basis for unclaimed funds due to citizens like yourself.

How Did You Find Me?

We usually locate our clients by doing internet searches.

How Much is My Claim? Where is it Being Held?

Once you have signed our contingency fee agreement, we'll be happy to disclose where the funds have been located!

Can't I Find the Money on my Own?

The governmental agencies we audit typically DO NOT post these unclaimed funds accounts online. You are welcome to search state unclaimed funds websites, but if you find funds there, these are not the funds we're informing you about.

Why Should I Use Your Company?

Most of the assets we locate aren't available by searching the internet, and it's unlikely that without the aid of a company like ours, that you'll be notified of their existence by the agency holding them.

More Questions?

Just give us a call! We're here to serve you. Call 1-800-959-2787 today.

Important To Remember

1. Every state has a TIME LIMIT for its citizens to collect their funds. If not collected within that time limit your funds are forfeited to the government. Thus do not wait around--collect as soon as possible.

2. Agency Audits works on a CONTINGENCY basis, which means there are NO out-of-pocket costs to you. We only get paid when we collect for our clients.

3. If we have contacted you out of the blue, it's because we have already done our research on your file in hopes of helping you recover your funds.

4. Many Americans think that if they have unclaimed funds with the government that the government will certainly let them know. There could be nothing further from the truth as the government has absolutely no regrets taking what is yours, and in fact think they deserve it. As of this writing, over 50% of Americans work in government related jobs.

Owner / Researcher - Joseph Gene

Bachelor Degree - Business

Minor - Psychology

Studies at Diamond Law Center

© 2022 Agency Audits - All Rights Reserved, A Research and Auditing Firm

Call us at: 1 (800) 959-2787

Mail us at: [email protected]